Can’t sleep? Your genes could be to blame

Some people burn the midnight oil because they just don’t feel sleepy enough to turn out the lights.  Others try to go to sleep at a reasonable hour; however, they toss and turn all night, only to wake up feeling as if they did not sleep at all.  In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that up to 70 million Americans have some sort of sleep disorder.

Deep brain stimulation shows promise in Tourette syndrome

Scientists at New York University’s Langone Medical Center reported data from a study showing that deep brain stimulation (DBS) decreased the severity of tics for patients with severe Tourette syndrome.

Maryland lawmakers pass a bill aimed at stopping ‘unconscionable’ drug pricing

Taking the fight against high drug prices into their own hands, Maryland lawmakers passed a bill aimed at taking on “unconscionable” pricing practices with their sights set squarely on generics.  However, drug makers are blasting back, hoping to convince the governor not to sign it into law.

Is pharma scapegoated for rising costs? Some experts point to hospitals instead

Under fire from all sides for high drug stickers and price hikes, pharma has put R&D costs front and center in its defense. But a secondary argument—or attempt to shift the blame, depending on your point of view—might be more effective, if it managed to find its way into the spotlight.

FDA in India – Championing a Culture of Quality

One of FDA’s most strategic outposts is in India, the seventh largest supplier of food and second largest supplier of pharmaceuticals and biologics to the United States.  The Agency’s office, located in the capital, New Delhi, works to ensure the safety and security of food and the safety and efficacy of medical products exported from India to the U.S.

New House bill to add 35% tax credit for contracted research

A bipartisan bill that plans to allow a tax credit for expenses of contracted research — often done by Contract Research Organizations (CROs) — has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and was quickly hailed by the industry.

FDA heads old and new praise Trump’s decision to keep NIH Director Collins

Former FDA Commissioner Robert Califf and his successor Scott Gottlieb have applauded President Donald Trump’s decision to keep Francis Collins as head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), although it may be a poisoned chalice given that billions of dollars in cuts could be on the way.

Donald Trump aims for $1.2B in NIH cuts this year

After President Donald Trump’s blueprint budget in March looked to cut $5.8 billion from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), his administration is now looking for an immediate $1.2 billion in cuts from the medical research network in FY 2017.

Gottlieb: FDA Hiring Freeze Lifted, Plans for Increased Generic Competition Coming

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb was in the hot seat on Thursday to defend President Donald Trump’s budget plan to the House appropriations subcommittee, though the conversation quickly dovetailed away from the billion-dollar user fee increase proposed, and revealed that FDA as of Thursday is no longer subject to a federal hiring freeze.