Diabetes culprit may be a single enzyme
Sciientists have linked a single enzyme to the development of diabetes, a finding that could help develop new treatments for the more than 120 million Americans that have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Sciientists have linked a single enzyme to the development of diabetes, a finding that could help develop new treatments for the more than 120 million Americans that have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Bees give us honey, painful stings…and cancer-fighting drugs, if scientists can figure out how to extract and deliver the venom’s cancer-fighting compounds. University of Illinois Bioengineering Professor Dipanjan Pan says he has developed nanoparticles that can carry insect toxins directly to tumors, sparing the rest of the body from nasty side effects, including damage to the heart, bleeding underneath the skin and unwanted clotting.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved new medical device products at a pace nearly twice that of the year prior, according to a new report just published by analysts at EP Vantage, the market intelligence branch of Evaluate.
A biopsy is the only sure way to diagnose skin cancer; however, having good confidence that a lesion is cancerous before a biopsy can reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies performed. A new tool developed by researchers at University of Texas at Austin uses three different mechanisms to image a lesion, potentially providing a new way to identify suspected tumors. It is currently undergoing pilot clinical trials.
Several companies are developing wearable biosensors in the form of wristbands; however, the co-founder of biosensing technology company Valencell says the ear is the best to place collect vital signs, and giants Intel and Apple have earbud ambitions as well.
One of the authors of a controversial and now-retracted paper purporting a stem cell breakthrough has been found dead in what appears to be a suicide, according to numerous reports, following an investigation that has alarmed researchers and rattled one of Japan’s most respected institutions.
List is for products that are ‘understood’ and do not present ‘risks’; The FDA released a list of 107 medical devices it will exempt from its 510(k) Premarket Notification Regulations as part of the agency’s efforts to streamline its approval process for products similar to those that have already undergone testing and trials.