Study reveals Brain in Hand app cuts anxiety in adults with autism:  The Brain in Hand digital self-management system was found to reduce anxiety levels in adults with autism

Self-management app shows promise in anxiety reduction in autism: The use of the Brain in Hand self-management system resulted in a decrease in anxiety among adults with autism who used the app for 12 weeks, according to a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. The study also found that participants saw improvement in their ability to deal with challenges of daily life after use of the system.

Virtually ouch-free:  Promising early data on a measles vaccine delivered via sticker

Vaccine patch trial promising for improved access: A clinical trial for a patch-based vaccine delivery system showed measles and rubella immune responses that were comparable to conventional injections, and experts say the delivery method has potential to improve vaccine access in low-income countries because administration requires minimal training and the patch does not require refrigeration or clean water. Vaccine patches are also being tested for other diseases including rabies, tuberculosis and hepatitis B.

Four gastroenterology device innovations doctors need now

Gastroenterology is a field ripe for medical device innovation, and MedTech developers know that some of the best ideas come from practicing doctors. With that in mind, Medical Design & Outsourcing spoke with two (2) gastroenterologists about what device innovations would help them better diagnose and treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Diabetes App Linked With Reduction in All-Cause HCRU, Inpatient Hospitalization Rates

Diabetes app reduces health care use, hospitalizations: Patients with type 2 diabetes who used the Dario Diabetes Solution had lower all-cause health care resource utilization and inpatient hospitalization rates over the course of a year than patients who received usual care, according to a presentation at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. The platform pairs a blood glucose meter with a mobile app so patients can monitor their glucose levels in real time.

A skin patch to treat peanut allergies?  Study in toddlers shows promise

Skin patch reduces peanut allergy in toddlers: Researchers have developed a skin patch to treat young children with severe peanut allergies. In a study of toddlers ages 1 to 3, about two-thirds of the children who wore the patch coated with a tiny amount of peanut protein could safely eat up to four peanuts after a year, according to the findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

New ‘E-Tattoo’ Is Worn on Chest to Track Your Heart Health

Electronic chest tattoo may reduce heart disease risk: An electronic chest patch placed on the skin for round-the-clock monitoring of the heart’s mechanical capacity and electrical activity operates as both a seismocardiogram and electrocardiogram, according to a study published in Advanced Electronic Materials. The tool was designed to monitor high-risk patients, including those who have coronary heart disease with decreased blood flow to the heart and people who have undergone heart surgery, according to study author Nanshu Lu.

Tibial neurostimulation system demonstrates safety and efficacy in urge urinary incontinence

Positive results seen with urge urinary incontinence treatment: An implantable tibial neuromodulation system called BlueWind RENOVA iStim demonstrated efficacy and had a favorable safety profile among women with urge urinary incontinence. At six (6) months, 76.4% of study participants saw a 50% or more decrease in incontinence episodes, according to data presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association.

FDA outlines risk-based approach to monitoring clinical trials

FDA issues guidance on risk-based clinical trial monitoring: The FDA released a final guidance explaining risk-based strategies that can be used by drug and device developers to monitor clinical trials of biological products, drugs, medical devices and combination products. The Agency said the document, which comes in question-and-answer format, “contains recommendations on planning a monitoring approach, developing the content of a monitoring plan, and addressing and communicating monitoring results.”

How simple health records could help doctors detect autism sooner:  the hope is that with earlier detection of autism, families can get early access to support and services

Algorithm mines infants’ health data for autism risk: An algorithm that analyzes health records for data on infant health care visits for brain, sleeping and stomach issues is helping physicians at Duke University identify babies at risk for autism spectrum disorder in their first month of life. The tool, combined with conversations with parents and doctors, identified nearly half the babies with ASD within a few days of birth, which may give families early access to interventions and support