Can predictive analytics help reduce hospital-acquired infections?

Last year, antibiotic-resistant infections caused more than two million illnesses and 23,000 deaths in the U.S. alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control.  About 70 percent of those antibiotic-resistant infections were caused by hospital-acquired infections.

Report: Deals in the medical device sector rose 200% in Q1

The total value of acquisitions in the medical device sector rose nearly 200% during the 1st quarter, with deal volume up more than 111% compared with Q1 2013, according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers report.

Legal Group to FDA: Reprint Guidance Violates First Amendment, Existing Court Order

SUMMARY:  Public comments submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding its guidance documents are generally tame, referring to matters for preference or a need to clarify vague sections.  But in the case of a recent response to a new guidance on distributing reprints of scientific and medical literature, one group’s message for FDA is a bit more confrontational: Make changes to the guidance—or else.

FDA Releases New Study Format Validation Rules

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a new document intended to provide a recommended approach for submitting study data for drugs and biological products using the Standard for Exchange of Nonclinical Data (SEND) standard.

FDA targets illegal online pharmacies in globally coordinated action

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in partnership with other federal and international agencies, took action this week against websites that sell potentially dangerous, unapproved prescription drugs to U.S. consumers.  The FDA and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) also conducted extensive examinations at U.S.-based international mail facilities, where many packages containing prescription drugs enter the U.S., and found that most of the examined packages contained illegal prescription drugs that had been ordered from online sources.