Tell your Members of Congress to Support Repeal of the Medical Device Excise Tax

As you may know, bipartisan legislation was introduced recently in both the U.S. House and Senate to repeal the medical device tax. President Obama’s State of the Union address highlighted the need for more manufacturing and high-tech job creation, and we all know that our industry can answer this challenge. To this end, we need your help in building momentum through co-sponsorship and other outreach activities.

Kids Have Problems With Medical Products?

Consumers can play a critical role in helping the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) assure children’s access to safe medical products.

Overview of Regulatory Requirements

The FDA Premarket Approval Process for Medical Devices for commercial release within the United States

Definition of a Medical Device

Section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act defines a medical device as “any instrument, machine, contrivance, or implant, in vitro reagent that’s intended to treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, and diagnose disease in man”.